Calculate My Property Tax Impact

Calculate My Property Tax Impact2025-01-28T23:31:47+00:00

The board of the newly created hospital district will be asked to assess an initial property tax rate for the hospital district of 10 cents per $100 in assessed property tax value, after any exemptions such as Homeowners Over 65.

Calculate your likely property taxes with the calculator below.

By the numbers

> The median home value in Calhoun County is $128,200. At 10 cents per $100 in valuation, the hospital district tax assessment on this valuation would be $128 annually, which comes out to $11 per month.

> For comparison, driving to Victoria and back three times a week for cardiac rehab for six weeks would cost about $128 in fuel costs alone.

Not sure what your property valuation is? Look it up here on the Calhoun County Central Appraisal District website.

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A Legacy of Care

Providing Care to Calhoun County for 75 Years … and Counting

Memorial Medical Center has served the region for 75 years. With a supportive hospital district, we can be here providing reliable, advanced, and local healthcare for another 75 years and beyond.

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